the history so far
Born in November 10th 1986
Therefore I'm 29 years old
Got graduated
The show begins! Bachelor`s Degree in Visual Design at Mackenzie University. At that time, my target was to become a successful illustrator. After knowing the market a little better, I gave up a career as an illustrator, focusing on a wider area, in this case... web.
First job
My first job and early experience in the field. While still studing at Mackenzie University, I worked there as Visual Programmer making general mkt pieces. I also had the opportunity to begin learning some HTML to be able to manage some areas of the institution's portal.
First job at a Start up
I continued learning about development and at this time I got my first job as a developer. De Olho no Emprego was a platform to search jobs. Unfortunately it didn't work out.
First contact with mobile apps
Broadening my skills as an Information Architect and UI pro, in Navita Technologia, I acted as an interface designer. Especially for mobile platforms. At that time Blackberry was the trend phone platform, so I did lots of interfaces for BB apps.
Master`s Degree
Since my tech skills were being developed in a natural way, I decided to invest in cognitive skills and decide do take the Master`s Degree on Marketing and Communication. Also did the course at Mackenzie University.
First major web app
Here I played the roll of an UI/UX expert for a CRM focused on event management companies. DMC Performa was the name of the huge system developed using Ruby on Rails.
First single page app
I became interested about Angular and had the opportunity to begin the proccess of converting a CRM made in ASP into a single page RESTful Angular app. Wasn't an expert on Angular but it was great to get in touch.
Since then...
Right now I'm at acting as a Full Stack Dev. is a brazilian start up which is an tool to manage teams and projects. We use Backbone / Marionette for the client side and Postgress / Ruby on Rails for the API, which composes a great stack in my opinion.
favorite stack
infrastructure with
Ruby on Rails
prototyping with
modular code with
some other weapons of daily use
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Suzy
  • Zurb Foundation
  • Bootstrap
  • HAML or Jade
  • CoffeScript
  • Underscore or Lodash
  • Babel
  • Selenium
  • Github as repositoty
  • ATOM as favorite IDE
other "not so used" tools
  • Wordpress
  • Axure Pro
favorite blogs
  • A List a Part
  • Smashing Magazine
  • DailyJS
  • HTML5 Rocks
  • Site Point
top 5 games of all time
  • Fallout 3
  • Half Life 2
  • Baldur's Gate 2
  • Metal Gear Solid V
  • Battlefield Bad Company 2
"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected."
- Steve Jobs -
Where to find me?
Av. 19 de Janeiro, 567, ap. 18A
São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Wanna say a word or two?